All you ever wanted to know about energy use in Germany

… you can find here, brought to you by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

There really is a wealth of information there. Among other things it does show how far Germany has come switching to renewable energy sources – and how far we still have to go.

Today, though, I’d just like to point out two things you might want to store for future reference :

Primärenenergieverbrauch in Deutschland 2012

  1. Here is how much electricity the 17 remaining nuclear power plants in Germay produced in 2011. The production in 2012 corresponded to 8% of total primary energy use in Germay. The current plan is to have this drop to zero by 2022.
  2. In 2008 – the last year data are available – of the roughly 490 million Euros spent on energy research 40% went to research into nuclear generation: nuclear energy research got 17%, fusion research 21% and research on dismantling nuclear plants 2%. According to the 6. energy research program (published July 2011) of the German Federal Goverment this picture is not going to change much over the coming years.