About this blog

On this website I collect thoughts (such as they are) and point to my professional online activities. As such, it amounts to a form of intellectual naval gazing. Feel free to avert your eyes.


Professional Experience

RKW-Kompetenzzentrum - Eschborn, Germay

Consultant, Division Startups and Founders Energieeffizienz-Impulsgespräche (January 2015 – Present): Under the heading Startups meets Mittelstand I develop event formats that help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) understand how startups innovate. In these workshops, participants from startups and SMEs use innovation methods like effectuation, minimum viable product or the business model canvas to work on innovation case studies.

Project Manager Energieeffizienz-Impulsgespräche (January 2012 – December 2014): The 40+ members of the project team visited more than 8.000 small and medium-sized companies and provided them with information on energy efficiency taylored to their specific situation .

Fraunhofer-Institute for Building Physics - Kassel, Germany

Scientist with the Low Exergie Systems Group (May 2009 - December 2011)

The Hewel-Morgenstern-Family - Brilon, Germany

The Dad (Full-Time) - parental leave and a family-move from Canada to Germany (September 2008 - April 2009)

Rescan Environmental Services - Vancouver, Canada

Environmental Scientist - Member of the Atmospheric Services Team (July 2006 – August 2008)

University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Canada

Research Associate with the Biometeorology and Soil Physics Group (May 2003 - June 2006)

Postdoctoral Fellow with the Biometeorology and Soil Physics Group (May 2000 - April 2003)


Georg-August-Universität - Göttingen, Germany

PhD Student at the Institute for Bioclimatology (March 1997 - April 2000)

Major in Physics (October 1990 - February 1997)

Trinity College - Dublin, Ireland

Visiting Student, Physics and Math (October 1993 - September 1994)

Gymnasium Petrinum - Brilon, Germany


Academic Publications

Full list of publications available upon request.

Energy balance closure using eddy covariance above two different land surfaces and implications for CO2flux measurements
Kidston,J.,Brümmer,C.,Black,T.A.,Morgenstern,K.,Nesic,Z.,McCaughey,J.H.,Barr,A.G.Boundary-Layer Meteorolgie136(2010):193-218.

Exergie-Analyse auf kommunaler Ebene am Beispiel der ökologischen Siedlung Oberzwehren
Morgenstern,K.,Sager,C.,Lück,K.,Torio,H.Geothermiekongress 2009,Bochun,Deutschland.17.-19.November 2009

Changes in net ecosystem productivity with forest age following clearcutting of a coastal Douglas-fir forest: testing a mathematical model with eddy covariance measurements along a forest chronosequence

Carbon dioxide fluxes in coastal Douglas-fir stands at different stages of development after clearcut harvesting

Sensitivity and uncertainty of the carbon balance of a Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forest during an El Niño/La Niña cycle Morgenstern,K.,Black,T.A.,Humphreys,E.R.,Griffis,T.J.,Drewitt,G.B.,Cai,T.,NesicZ.,Spittlehouse,D.L.,Livingston,N.J.,Agric.For.Meteorol.123(2004):201-219.

Net ecosystem production of a Douglas-fir stand for three years following clearcut harvesting

Inter-annual variability in the leaf area index of a Boreal Aspen-Hazelnut forest in relation to net ecosystem production. BarrA.G.,BlackT.A.,HoggE.H.,KljunN.,MorgensternK.,NesicZ.,2004.Agric.For.Meteorol.126:237-255

Respiration as the main determinant of carbon balance in European forests.