Zukunftsforum “Energieeffizienz – Handeln für die Zukunft”

We wrapped up this year’s round of events to promote discussion around energy efficiency in small and medium enterprises earlier this week with the ZUKUNFTSFORUM Energieeffizienz – Handeln für die Zukunft. You can find some impressions here.

The part I was most excited about was the description of an energy efficiency project initiated by our own project Energieefficienz Impulsgespräche. The excitement was a case of transferred stage fright – our main contribution to the event and all I could do was sit and watch. But of course everything turned out well: The main messages that energy effciency often doesn’t cost a lot and that you have go about it with a well thought out plan came across quite well – and the promotion of our project was well done by our very own Dr. Bünsow.